Alpal Precision Machining Co. has been family owned and operated and located on Long Island since 1963. Since our inception, we have been a company dedicated to the needs of our customers by delivering on schedule, while offering competitive prices. We are 100% focused on the Aerospace and Defense industry. Our facility is constantly updated to ensure products are manufactured to the highest standards, and at the leading edge of capability. We are AS9100 certified since 2017. Nearly all of our clients are repeat customers, who have been with us for decades. However, we will complete one time, or small jobs if needed. We have been approved by major prime contractors such as Grumman Aircraft, United Technologies, and have also supplied parts to the U.S. government. 

At a time when machine shops are closing due to retiree’s, and lack of replacements, Alpal’s third generation is in place to continue operations for the next 50 years.